Why Become a Travel Agent?

A segment of the Oprah Winfrey Show “Happiest Jobs in America” revealed that travel
agents are among the happiest professionals in America. Travel advisors, with clergy,
special education teachers, and firefighters, were given this special distinction, thanks
in part to the amount of social interaction these professions offer. See:

Payscale.com reports job
satisfaction of travel agents to be:
Extremely Satisfied

According to a recent ASTA Member Survey, 93% of travel agents are happy with their chosen profession. ASTA is the American Society of Travel Advisors and the largest travel advisor group in the world.

Would you make a good travel agent? Check this list:

  1. Passion for Travel and Travel Planning: A good travel advisor has a strong enthusiasm for travel and enjoys the process of planning trips.

  2. Personal Satisfaction from Helping Others: They find personal fulfillment in using their travel knowledge and skills to help clients create memorable experiences.

  3. Adaptability: Good travel advisors thrive in a fast-paced environment and can quickly adapt to changes, whether in client needs or travel conditions.

  4. Creativity and Analytical Thinking: They are both creative in designing travel experiences and analytical when it comes to logistics and problem-solving.

  5. People Skills: Loving social interaction and understanding diverse client needs are crucial, as travel planning is very much a service-oriented job.

  6. Detail-Oriented: Attention to detail ensures that all aspects of travel are covered, from booking to ensuring smooth travel experiences.

These qualities, combined with professional skills such as marketing, sales, communication, and operational know-how, make a successful travel advisor.

A career as a travel advisor can be exciting, fast-paced and
rewarding. The opportunity to travel to beautiful, exotic and
meaningful destinations as part of your career is a major
reason why the travel industry is so appealing to job seekers.
How many people can say that while working their way up
the career ladder or through management? See the sun set
in the Greek Islands, visit the Holy Land and Israel, or go on a
safari in South Africa.

While some individuals enter the industry simply for the
perks of travel rewards, there is much more to it than that. A
career as a travel advisor takes dedication, commitment,
travel expertise, excellent interpersonal skills, and more.
This guide provides you with information about the travel
advisor and agency industry, as well as specific information
to help you begin your career as a travel advisor.


The travel business is one of the largest industries in the
and offers many benefits to hard-working individuals.
The travel agency and advisor world while demanding can be
both lucrative and rewarding. It requires a wide range of
abilities for success. However, a love of travel and social
attracts many people to the field.
To succeed, you must have a genuine desire to be of service and to solve problems. In
addition, you are expected to be articulate, sales-focused and customer service
oriented. To handle the technical aspects of your work, you must be organized,
thorough and tenacious.